Unleashing the Waterfall

Waterfalls are magic, pure and simple. These natural wonders carve their own paths, roar unapologetically, are powerful and are beautiful just by being what they are. To find one by surprise is finding treasure untethered. Even those we try to tame, like Niagara Falls with its splash-shrouded tourists and campy honeymoon suites, retain a majesty above a world sleepwalking past the awesome to get to the cheap t-shirts.  In nature or on gilded paths, we are drawn to these magnificent sources of power in flow. Why?

Here is a thought. All we desire externally mirrors that which we crave internally. Waterfalls are the permission, the proof, the evidence of the great power in roaring, creating, shining, simply by allowing unimpeded flow. We as beings of divine energy are that energetic flow within a body for the human experience. We as writers express that flow in words, we as creators express that flow moment by moment, choice by choice, in the authentic lives we manifest. Yet rarely do we allow our waterfalls within. We choke them, dam them, sometimes even forget them altogether. Hearing the roar, feeling the splash on our cheeks, watching the cascades hurl over the precipice to  fearlessly transform the riverbed below is the closest we dare come to feeling the awesome power that is our own internal flow. Myths, fears, and outdated beliefs keep us safely behind the fence witnessing the world out there as our own waterfalls struggle, gurgle, gasp for survival.

The world is a better place with waterfalls, externally and internally. Energy in flow is what will heal, transform, and expand a dying world. Our words, our creations, our lives in flow are all in our control, and our choice.

What’s in the way? For each of us, the stories are different. Think of the river flowing toward the waterfall, the path of water diverted by currents and eddies, around boulders and fallen trees. Consider that river a metaphor for your internal landscape impeding energy flow. Currents and eddies are manic energy diverted into work that appears necessary and appropriate according to others, external referencing that does not align with your internal knowledge of self:  ‘keeping up appearances’ or ‘fulfilling the dream’ of others while sacrificing your own dreams and desires. Boulders are memories layered, buried and fiercely protected into hardened immoveable nodules that run and ruin your life beyond your conscious knowledge because the memory is too painful or to early for words to touch and release. Fallen trees are those beliefs and strategies that worked well to survive childhood, and have outgrown their usefulness in adulthood yet know no other pattern but to cling and slow down anything in their path. And consider the source of the river, our own internal flow of water energy in motion. Cry? No way, crying is for babies, it makes people worry, it’s messy, it’s wrong. Stop crying or I’ll give you something to cry about.  Our divine energy navigating this obstacle course often has little left to roar, or even speak, and this becomes normal, and over time desired. Too much flow is felt as uncomfortable, inappropriate, dangerous. We can’t handle it. Better slow down, They can’t handle who we are or what we want to say. Better dial it back.  Those beliefs may feel like safety, but they are strangulation, and a death knell for creation. As a writer, words consigned to a meandering shrinking river will rarely reach the precipice of the light of the day.  The words themselves will join the obstacles, stuck and impeding what little flow remains, until there is nothing left to flow, to say, to feel.

What to do in such dire circumstances? Step one is awareness. Own your existence as an energetic being for which full energetic flow is life itself. Spend time cruising your internal river, sitting in the presence of your internal waterfall. What do you notice? Feeling avoidances, slowdowns, changes in mood? Do you breathe and allow space for what you feel, or do you push it down and get busy doing something, anything, to take the attention out and away from you. There is no right or wrong, only information. Notice what you notice, breathe, and keep noticing. That is all you need to begin a great adventure of exploration into an inner landscape longing to see you.

Waterfalls in nature are unmatched in providing information and solace. Our inner waterfalls are unmatched in connecting us with ourselves and in enabling us to share our unique selves with the world. So grab a box of tissues and have a grand old cry. Touch those boulders, invite yourself to crack them open and take a peek, clean up some soggy trees, play in the current and eddies, get to know and appreciate your river for what it has done for you, then step in and create it the way you want it now. invite the flow. Know it’s all you, you’re capable and worthy of whatever you choose to create, and like the waterfalls out there,  pure magic.

Want to learn more?

As a CODE Model Coach™, I engage Quantum TLC ™ for my own discoveries and can guide you in learning how to engage it for yourself.

CODE Model™ or Creation Out of Deep Energy™,  and Quantum TLC ™ are part of the WEL-Systems® body of knowledge developed by Louise LeBrun.


This new space for exploration includes articles, audio files, and referrals to CODE Model Coaches™ who can support and guide your journey.

Contact me

I can offer:

  • 1 on 1 conversations/explorations/coaching to discuss your writing and the story behind the story of not writing
  • Whispers from Within ™, a 10-day email exchange that delves into writing and limiting beliefs through daily writing and written conversation
  • Small group conversations, in person or virtual, among those of us called to write, exploring what lights us up in writing and what challenges us.

If any of these options resonate or pique your curiosity, email me and we’ll set up a time to chat.

Thanks for reading and for showing up!


Jennifer Hatt is an author, communications consultant, publishing doula and CODE Model Coach™ .

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